Welcome message

Congress chair
President of JSN
Masaomi Nangaku

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to Kyoto, Japan.
On behalf of the Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN), I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the members of the European Renal Association (ERA).
It is our great pleasure to co-host the Kidney Health In Aging and Aged Societies symposium with the ERA, in collaboration with the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (JSDT). This joint symposium aims to promote understanding of kidney health and kidney diseases in global aging and aged societies.

Japan is one of the most aged societies in the world, and many countries in Europe are now aged societies. The number of patients with kidney disease in the elderly is increasing, and we would like to address the importance of kidney health and disease in aging and aged societies.

The JSN and the ERA has a long history of collaboration. Mutual cooperation between JSN and ERA is essential to address the challenges we face by sharing cutting-edge research, optimal medical treatment, and innovative approaches. To achieve this goal, we are organizing this symposium in collaboration with the JSDT. We will work together to advance kidney research and ensure that our population have equitable access to prevention and medical care of kidney diseases in the elderly.

I strongly encourage you to join this wonderful symposium in Kyoto, 2024.

Congress chair
President of ERA
Christoph Wanner

Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Kidney Health In Aging and Aged Societies JSN/ERA Symposium Collaboration with JSDT.

People will live longer on this planet in the future. Demography and thus population dynamics will influence many things, among them our general health but more specifically our kidney health. Kidney disease will move up in the list of co-morbidities to the top 10 in many countries in Europe by 2040.

Since many years the ERA and the JSN have a very strong relationship by working together. We support young nephrologists and exchange scientific content at our annual congresses. We want to solve some of the generated questions, such as how will longevity change the landscape of kidney replacement therapy by 2040.

By working together, we created a program of joint expertise in translational sciences and epidemiology. The goal is to preserve kidney health in an aging population and we need strategies to overcome the issues that inevitably present themselves. We want to learn from each other and I would like to personally invite you to join this Conference in September 2024 in Kyoto, Japan.

Advisory board
President of JSDT
Yoshiaki Takemoto

Dear Colleagues and Friends,


JSDT is fully supporting the Kidney Health In Aging and Aged Societies JSN/ERA Symposium. This joint symposium will also cover the renal replacement therapy for the elderly. With the increasing number of the elderly, it is a major challenge how to maintain dialysis and transplantation in the elderly.

Japan has one of highest numbers of dialysis patients. The management of the elderly dialysis patients is a difficult problem common worldwide. We believe by participating this symposium, we can share the knowledge and build an international network, leading to better patients care and better management of end-stage renal diseases.

We are looking forward to your participation.

Scientific committee chair
Motoko Yanagita

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to Kyoto.
On behalf of the Scientific Program Committee, it is a great honor to present the exciting and comprehensive program for this symposium. The program covers a wide range of topics, ensuring a holistic understanding of kidney health and diseases in aging and aged societies. We will discuss the latest advances in basic and translational research on the mechanism of kidney aging. The treatment of various comorbidities in elderly patients with CKD and renal replacement therapies, including renal transplantation in the elderly, will also be highlighted.

This program will be jointly organized by JSN and ERA in cooperation with JSDT. This symposium promises to be a place forum for stimulating discussions, networking opportunities, and collaborative exploration of the latest advancements in nephrology and dialysis. We believe your attendance at this symposium will contribute to the diversity of perspectives and expertise that will enrich this symposium.

I am looking forward to seeing you at this special symposium.

Local organizing committee chair
Yusuke Suzuki

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Welcome to Kyoto.
It is a great pleasure and pride for JSN, through the support of JSDT, to co-host with ERA the Kidney Health In Aging and Aged Societies JSN/ERA Symposium in Kyoto, Japan. On behalf of the Local organizing committee, I look forward to welcoming you all.

Japan, the country with the longest life expectancy in the world, and Europe, where the impact of the increase in the number of elderly people and the accompanying changes in population structure is as great as in Japan, are facing similar challenges. Japan and Europe are the " leading countries in this field", as both countries have been taking early initiatives to address these issues in various medical fields.

Based on the strong partnership that JSN and ERA have built over the years, this symposium will be of great clinical and social significance as it will allow researchers mainly from Japan and Europe to discuss the kidney health of the elderly, identify the issues, and show the path to solutions.

I look forward to learning together with all participants and to working toward the same goal.

I am looking forward to seeing you at this special symposium.